Health and Wellbeing Diary Dates

Health and Wellbeing Diary Dates

Running an event or morning tea to mark a health and wellbeing date is a great way of opening conversations on various topics. Here are just a few happening over the next 6 months for your information.  For a complete list visit...
Chairman’s Den

Chairman’s Den

As you may have read in this news update, this is my last ‘in-print’ chairman’s note, but I am very excited that we as a foundation, are now looking to new digital ways to communicate with fellow Lions, Educators, Community Services and alike. We hope this move will...

The Foundation’s new brochures are well received.

Our latest set of eight brochures cover many topics and all contain up to date information. These are really well produced and full of the most interesting information on topics. Our suite of lifestyle, alcohol and other drug brochures, created by the foundation in...
New Logo Launched

New Logo Launched

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