Freedom to Feel Fantastic
Formerly known as Fresh Faced Friday, Freedom to Feel Fantastic is a positive body image and self esteem campaign, inviting schools and community groups to help promote the message ‘we all have the right to be who we want to be judgement free’.
The project invites young people to tear up the negatives they find themselves thinking, feeling, seeing and saying and reframe your thinking to feel positive about who they are. The project started in 2012 and has run nationally each year. In 2020 the project was been renamed Freedom to Feel Fantastic and schools are invited to participate by running an event at any stage of the year to fit their curriculum.
A FREE event pack is available to assist schools in putting together events or class-based activities.

What does Freedom to Feel Fantastic (FFF) deliver?
Body image and self esteem are key areas of concern. Freedom to Feel Fantastic provides a platform for discussion and awareness of these topics
Each year schools run events from an hour at lunch, to all-day events promoting the messages ‘be who you want to be judgement free’ and ‘tear up the negative’
Schools and community groups who register receive an event pack and our ‘reframe your thinking’ activity sheets to help with creating an event
The event pack contains a range of worksheets and activity ideas
Why do we need Freedom to Feel Fantastic?
Body image is a top issue of concern for young people. As well as wanting to feel good about who they are, each year we also see how passionate young people are about helping to ensure their friends feel good about who they are. Below are a few key stats…
of teenagers withdraw from conversation in class so as not to draw attention to themselves
Butterfly Foundation 2020
of adolescent boys report that they exercise primarily to gain muscle
Butterfly Foundation 2020
students missed school because they didn’t feel good enough
Butterfly Foundation 2020
Freedom to Feel Fantastic Videos
This video shows how to make the ‘Reframe your thinking‘ frames that come in the event pack. This activity has been very popular. The event packs contain frames with 10 different designs.
This video was created at the start of the project (when named Fresh Faced Friday) it sums up brilliantly why the project exists.
Case Study
Students were passionate about making their friends feel good about who they are
Corryong College grade 5-6 students held a hit FFF day for their entire school grades 5-12, with event planning and topic discussion commencing weeks out from the event day.
Together the students decided their FFF event would focus on:
- Strategies to be more positive than negative
- Celebrating uniqueness and individuality
FFF also allowed the students to practice their event planning and leadership skills. The event day included:
- Smile Cafe
- Negative Nerf Game
- Tear up the negative
The feedback from the college was: “Awesome, not one complaint.”
“Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to join such a wonderful and life-changing day”
jump on board
How can you use Freedom to Feel Fantastic?
Visit the Freedom to Feel Fantastic website and take a look around.
Why not run an event- these events are a great way to start the discussion about body image and self esteem
Order an event pack
Contact the FFF Team
If you have any questions about Freedom to Feel Fantastic please contact the team, they’d be happy to help.
Want to know more about the ALWF Projects?
Download our project profiles pack featuring information on each of our projects.

A Not for profit organisation
Why Support Us?
We are able to run our projects due to the generosity of Lions Club from across Australia, businesses, and individuals who kindly donate to support the work we do. We also generate funds through our resources shop.
More than 30 years of experience
Part of Lions Australia
Range of projects
Consultants guiding development
Award winning
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