Recently, the seven-strong King Island Leos Club got behind our Freedom to Feel Fantastic campaign, to promote being body and self positive for the 180 students at the school from grades kinder to grade 12, and what a fantastic day they held.
Here’s what they had to say…
“Our second Freedom To Feel Fantastic day was a great success. This year we ran a Splat Wall where senior students could throw water balloons at negative comments relating to body image. We raised money through a free dress day (free to wear something that makes you feel fantastic). The donations will be given to the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation so they can continue their work supporting youth. And of course, everyone had a sausage and a cupcake, courtesy of Lions and the King Island Bakehouse.”
Freedom to Feel Fantastic is a great campaign for all Lions and Leo Club to get involved with as well as schools and community groups. You can access a free event pack at the website packed full of ideas and resources