We are often asked by Clubs how can they can get involved & how they learn more about the foundation’s work so we have compiled our top ten suggestions.

Why not discuss this list at your next meeting and select one or two your club can do…

1. Become a member 

Being a member of the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation helps fund our range of programs. If you are already a member, thank you! 

2. Book an ALWF zoom presentation for one of your club meetings.

Our presenter Lynsey will happily spend 40 mins giving you an overview of all of our programs and answering your questions.

3. Tells family, friends and local schools about our key projects

Once you know a bit more about us, help spread the word about our key projects, simply letting someone know about our projects could help them through a tough time.

  • Tune In Not Out tuneinnotout.com our youth health and wellbeing website
  • Freedom to Feel Fantastic our positive body image and self esteem campaign – fantastic for schools and Leo groups
  • Lions Quest – our social and emotion leanring school based program from Foundation to year 8

4. Discover more about tuneinnotout.com

Type the website address into your phone and explore the wide range of topics and information we bring young people – it is quite amazing the wealth of information there. Perhaps choose two topics and see what information as a group you can discover and share in 15mins

5. Download our wellbeing booklet to discover more about Freedom to Feel Fantastic program

Freedom to Feel Fantastic is our positive body image and wellbeing project. Download and print our wellbeing booklet, just one of the many FREE resources we offer schools to run an event. Have a look through it at your next meeting to get a feel for the great messages we aim to promote – perhaps your Leos would like to get involved, or there is a local school you would support to get involved?

6. Sponsor a teacher/s to become Lions Quest trained

Why not contact your local school and let them know your club will sponsor a teacher/s to attend our next Lions Quest Online teacher training? You will be benefiting the school community by bringing this world-class program to their curriculum. Contact Lions Quest about how to sponsor a teacher. The cost to attend an online session is $225 and includes a grade curriculum pack. Find out more here.

7. Learn more about Lions Quest with our video series

Our Lions Quest Frequently Asked Questions video was prepared especially for Lions Clubs to help answer the most common questions about Lions Quest, it would be great if you circulated this to your members to watch.
Then, set aside 30 mins at your next meeting to undertake our short facilitated presentation on Intent V Impact, which takes a Lions Quest grade 8 session and adapts it for use in your Lions Meeting which could benefit you all as individuals and a club.

These videos are featured below so you can easily check them out.

8. Purchase a range of our wellbeing resources

We have a wide range of wellbeing resources, these are ideal to hand out at Lions events or to hand out within your community

 9. Follow us on Facebook and share our updates

Follow us online, we’d love for you to share and comment on our posts 

10. Share this post

Share this article with fellow members or someone else you feel will be inspired to promote wellbeing